On behalf of Lerch Early & Brewer’s employment and labor attorneys, we welcome you to Employment Edge, our firm’s new blog focused on the issues impacting employers throughout the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area and beyond.
For years we have connected with you through workshops, seminars, newsletters, and in various other in-person and digital ways (especially in the time of COVID-19). Now, we are excited to bring you relevant information about the most important topics to your business or organization through our Employment Edge blog.
Here, you will find content written by our experienced employment and labor attorneys on a multitude of matters including COVID-related workplace rules; updates on new Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia employment related laws; new court decisions and legal trends which impact employers; and a myriad of achievable best practices for complying with the ever changing legal landscape. We believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg. We look forward to continuing to anticipate the issues which we believe you will find important in the future while being responsive in real time to issues affecting you now.
Please visit our website (www.lerchearly.com) where you will find more information about our practice and our attorneys, as well as valuable articles and timely and helpful information.
Please send us your feedback, including issues and topics which you would like for us to address in future blog posts.
We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you on Employment Edge soon!
Marc Engel and Julie Reddig
Co-chairs, Employment/Labor Practice