The Montgomery County Planning Board continues to consider changes to the County’s General Plan – or what they are calling Thrive Montgomery 2050. The Plan’s goal is to shift from the former Wedges and Corridors Plan to one that “recognizes the County’s assets. . . [and] focuses on remedying our shortcomings and harnessing growth to create economically competitive, environmentally resilient and socially equitable communities.” See Staff Report.
The Plan is ambitious, but also includes guidance regarding implementation, including recommending new Master Plans, Functional Plans, changes to Zoning Codes, and significant collaboration amongst agencies. The challenge to Thrive Montgomery is in creating goals, aspirations and guidance, that doesn’t inadvertently create new layers of hurdles to attracting business and the development that serves such businesses.
The Planning Board held its final worksession on March 4, 2021, and intends to transmit the Plan to the County Executive and County Council on April 8, 2021. Currently, it is expected that the Council will review and approve Thrive 2050 in April 2021. Should you have questions about the General Plan update or the opportunities that it might present for your property, please do not hesitate to contact us.